Lesson 15 Disappearing Through the Skylight
1.There are broad agreements about the basic concepts of science,for example,thereis only a single science of thermodynamicswhose basic concepts are accepted by all countries,including such diverse countries as China,America or the Soviet Union.For ashort time there were two genetics,a Soviet genetics as proposed by Lysenko and a Western genetics.However,Soviet Lysenko'stheories were refuted and in 1956 the Soviet Union accepted the Western genetic concepts.
2.It makes the world look more and more uniform.Different styles in architecture,dress,music and eating that exist in variouscountries and among different people are tending to disappear.They are being replaced by more unifom styles or world styles.Thehouses the people live in,the cars they drive,etc.,are becomingmore alike.
3.A technological innovation in the manufacture of automobiles like streamlining or allwelded body construction may be initiated byone company in one country,but when it proves to make cars more efficient and cheaper,it is soon adopted universally by allautomobile manufacturers.Today,the basic features of an automobile are to be found in autonobls m general,no matter whomakes them.Besides this feature,all large automakers are now intemational companies,Americans have auto plants in Europe,Asiaand South America,and Europeans and Japanese have plants in America and South,America and so on.
4.He drives cars that have the same basic features.When he goes shopping,helinds the climate in l the shops is the same becausethey are al similarly air-conditioned.When he travels he finds allthe airports jo be familiar because they are all onstructed alongsimilar lines and the hotels to have the same amenities.In a word,he finds himbelf at home in allcountries and places.
5.She says in the past artists regarded machines and machinelike structures like the Eiffel Tower in Paris as ugly and ireverent.After 1949 the artists discovered a new beauty in machines which could now be shaped and moulded very easily into various artisticdesigns.
6.The writer doesn't directly answer the question.Hesays science has now thrown doubt on“"the thingliness of things".It does notproduce the material objects we see with our eyes but inages,geometric and mathematical,of the reality underlying these things.Ithas made the world rather"insubstantial?The wiitel in his prologue states:"Today,nature has sliped,perhaps finally,beyond ourfield of vision.We can imitate it in mathematies-we can even produce convincing images of it—but we can never know it.We canonly know our own creations."
7.It is displayed in the architectural styles found in cities of the developed world—styles that typify colage city and urban adhocism.It is also displayed in the mosaic architecture of facadism and the playful theme parks and museum villges.It abounds in images andsounds and values utterlydifferent from those of the world of natural things seen from a middle distance.
8.The banks are no longer the solid,ponderous buidings of the past but airy structures of steel and glass.People need not go to thebanks directly for many financial transactions which can now be carried out in stores or trailers with slot-machinelike terminals linkedto the banks.Money is now recorded,erased,processed and reprocessed as digital signals by a computer.
1.In the passage,the writer puts forward his central theme of“disappearance”-nature disappears,history disappears and even thesolid banks disappear.Besides expressing the central theme of the book,the metaphorical phrase,"Disappearing Through theSkylight",is used also specifically in this chapter to describe the changed appearance of modern banks which seem to bedisappearing.The second important idea he puts forward is the universalizing tendency of science and technology.The basicconcepts of science are understood,accepted and adopted by scientists allover the world.There is only one science ofthermodynamics,genetics,etc.This universalizing effect is reflected in architectural styles,dress styles,musical styles,etc.They all tend to become world styles.The third concept is,"If man creates machines,machines in turn shape their creators."The modem
man is no longer a unique individual,the product of a special environment and culture.The homogeneous world he now lives in
universalizes him.He becomes a cosmopolitan,a citizen of the world.Finall,the disappearance of history is a form of liberation and
this feeling of liberation is often expressed through play.The playfulhes of science has produced game theory and vitual particles,inart it has produced the paintings of Picasso and Joan Miro and so on.
2.Just as the writer claims,this text is not a typical piece of scientific writing since it is intended for all readers,nonscientists andscientists alike.But stil t exhibits some features of scientific English for it deals with rich scientific and technological information.There are lots of terminologies in the text.However,many short and simple sentences are also constructed so that the writer canpresent his ideas clearly and concisely and readers can understand them easily.Besides,the writer uses figurative language to makehis writing more vivid and forceful to assist readers'comprehension.
3.The writer's views are generally clearly and succinctly presented as a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph and thendeveloped or ilustrated in the paragraph itself or by succeeding paragraphs.For example,the first sentence in the opening paragraphis a topic sentence that presents a very important view of the writer,“Science is committed to the universal”This idea of universalityis developed and ilustrated in the five paragraphs that follow and each paragraph that follows also has its own topic sentence.Theorganizational pattern is very clear and logical.
4.The writer uses figurative language freely to make his ideas more vivid and forceful.Readerskǎn fiod many metaphors,analogies,rhetorical questions,repetition and balanced structure,etc.in this piece.The very title of this piece,"Disappearing Through theSkylight",is a metaphorical phrase that immediately stirs the imagination of readers.Herkthe dominant metaphor is the changes ofbanks,which is used to ilustrate the theme of disappearing—modern banks seemfote disappearing through their skylights.
5.Paras.3,4,5,and 6 present the universalizing effect of science and techiology on/automobile manufacturing-modem cars havesimilar features all over the world and all of the large automakers are internatioyal.The writer uses the example of automobiles toillustrate his point clearly that there is an irresistible tendency of universatizing technology.
6.The writer describes the changes of banks from Paras.16 to 19-hów the solid,ponderous buildings ofbanks are replaced by airy,modern structures of steel and glass,and how modem banks exist as an airy medium in which transactions are completed and wealthincreased.Based on these changes presented above,the wfiter concludes that modem banks are disappearing through their ownskylights.
1.Science is engaged in the task of naking its basic concepts understood and accepted by scientists all over the world.
2.The car model,called Fiesta,seems to have disappeared completely.
3.The idea ofa world car is similar to the idea of having a world style for architecture.As architecture was moving toward acommon International Style,it was natural for the automobile to do the same.
4.Things that are happening in auto-making are similar tothose happening in architecture.
5.The modern man no longer has very distinct individual traits shaped by a special environment and culture.
6.The disadvantage of being a cosmopolitan is that he loses a home in the old sense of the world.
7.The benefit of being a cosmopolitan is that he begins to think the old kind of home probably restricts his development andactivities.
8.The compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.
9.When every artist thought it was his duty to show his contempt for and objection to the Eiffel Tower which they considered anirreverent architectural structure.
10.People used to firmly believe that the things they saw around them were real solid substances but this has now been thrown intodoubt by science.
11.This disappearance of history frees people's minds from traditional concepts.As Madame Buffet-Picabia says:this flexible andpliable quality was beyond human powers and absolutely new.
12.That,perhaps,shows how far lbgically modem aesthetic can go.The solid banks can become almost abstract and invisible.Thisis perhaps the furthest limit of how solid objective things may be disappearing.
1.skylight:a window in the roof or ceiling
2.discredited:rejected as untrue
3.homogeneous:the same in structure,quality,etc.;similar or identical
4.economics:things related to the economy(of automobile manufacturing,such as productioneos consumer appeal,sale price,etc.)
5.asset:a valuable or desirable thing
7.in the fullness of time:when the right time comes
8.make:(noun)type,sort or brand,with reference to the maker or the place,time,etc.of making
9.shape:to influence something such as a belief,opinion,etc.and make it develop in a particular way
10.barring:unless there should be;excepting
11.blasphemy:any remark or action or thing hed to beirreverent or disrespectful
12.proposition:a person,problem,undertaking,etc.,being or to be dealt with
1.uni-,having or consisting of one only:universe,uniaxial,unicellular,unilateral,unipolar,univalve
3.dis-,fail,cease,refuse to:disappear,dissatisfy,disallow,disappoint,disapprove,disbelieve
4.hom-or homo-,one and the same;similar,alike:homogeneous,homograph,homochromatic,homology,homonym,homophone
7.post-,after in time,later(than),following:postmodernism,postglacial,postnatal posthumous,postimpressionism,postmortem
1.a steam turbine
2.an air outlet
3.aircraft noise
4.laboratory research
5.a research laboratory
6.a mercury thermometer
7.a nuclear power plant
3.genetic mutation遗传突变
4.streamlining(设计成)流线型5 all-welded body全焊车身
6.cylinder block气缸套
11.black hole(天文)黑洞
12.high-tension lines高压线
V.See the translation of the text.
1.This piece mainly talks about people's attitudes towards the construction of Eiffel Tower in 1889 and its symbolic meaning
2.The leaders of the French establishment were outraged when they heard the cry of the Eiffel Tower because they thought itviolated fine artistic taste.
3.The writer calls the Eiffel Tower "the first great icon of the technological aesthetic"because it is a work of abstract art and can be understood as a symbolof many things,but actually it is none of these things.It forces the viewer to look beyond historical myths to the revolution that surrounds him.It does not argue with history;it ignores history.